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Sandra Miedema

EDU 580-Inquiry into Practice

May, 2020


This has been the most unique year of my teaching practice of 19 years.  There were so many rich, new learning opportunities.  Diving deep into CRP (culturally responsive pedagogy) led to my discovery to learn more about the student and their culture, in order to provide a more personal, meaningful approach to teaching.   Understanding, discovering more and practicing UDL (Universal Design for Learning) guided my ability to meet all students where they are at.  Focusing on and researching the qualities of  intrinsic motivation as a means for students to feel curious and engaged for the love of learning, lead to positive student experiences.  All of the above were developed in collaboration with Lesson Study.


Understanding lesson study occurred over 3 semesters as a means of deeper learning for educators.  We began the process guided with equity in semester one just beginning to understand the process of many teachers coming together to support one teacher's lesson.  It was a novel concept, which we grew to understand.  During the second semester, we found the process more familiar.  Our research became more meaningful and served a purpose.  Our team work became more orchestrated as we grew professionally.  


In the last semester, just when we were beginning to grip the philosophy, Coronavirus crept in and threw a new twist on education and life itself.  We grew to work with our students via screens without any personal contact.  This is challenging for any community of learners; student’s, parents and educators.  I found it especially challenging for my approach with my kindergarten students whose curriculum intentionally does not include screen time. They are developing social skills and enjoy the benefits of feeling safe and welcome in classroom culture.  Somehow, as we all adapted to Zoom meetings as a way of life, we were able to pool our skills and complete our lesson study with purpose and meaning.  


We learned that we could guide the students to be independent with learning, even in the home community.  We implemented all of the tools from our toolbox; CRP, UDL in an equitable format.  We formulated a plan in our debrief to follow up with the students after the lesson.  We discovered their joy and pride with the lesson as evidence of our goal of instilling intrinsic motivation.  It was quite satisfying, especially through distance learning.


Our instructors in the graduate program guided us with their knowledge and experience.  We, the graduate students collaborated and learned from each other.  We all learn from the students' experiences.  My teaching practice has become deeper and richer and as I continue as a life long learner.

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